Sunday, December 9, 2012

International Volunteers Day Forum

On the 8th of December, BYC took part in a Youth forum on Volunteerism, Youth Engagements with the theme “Volunteers Action Count” organised by UNV Tanzania, VSO and Ministry of Information, Youth,  Culture and Sports to commemorate International Day of Volunteers. The event took place at Karimjee hall, Dar es Salaam.
The aim of the forum was to discuss the different youth volunteer engagements in their different fields of work.  It brought together different youth organisations and youth, a platform to interact with each other and learn what they do as volunteers. Different topics were discussed and these included Volunteerism and its importance and challenges, Volunteerism and Entrepreneurship, Volunteerism and Environment (Climate Change) and Youth and HIV/AIDS. These topics provided the basis for youth to discuss and learn what they can do as volunteers in these areas.

The main facilitators of the event came from different organisations including Young Partnership Worldwide (YPC) and Young Tanzania for Community and Prosperity (YTCP), plus UNV Tanzania.
There were also highlighting success stories from volunteers on entrepreneurship, and also in other fields, and this inspired many of the youth at the forum.

What a way to celebrate International Volunteers Day!

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