Monday, October 15, 2012

Picture Highlights: International Day of the Girl

Here are some of the highlights that took place on the International Day of the Girl at Mwembe Yanga field. An event organised by Chidren Dignity Forum on the 11th of October 2012. Many organisations showed up to participate in the event, showing support for the Girl Child.

The poster shows different organisations that have come together to form Tanzania Ending Child Marriage Network (TECMN) launched by Chidren Dignity Forum. The aim of the network is to raise awareness on the harmful impact of child marriages.

Dr. Hellen Kijo Bisimba,Director of Legal and Human Rights Centre graced the occasion as the guest of Honor .

Dance troop entertaining the audience
Acrobatics group showing some moves

More entertainment
Then came the highlight of the event, the football match between BYC and Evergreen girls team.

The Evergreen girls football team
 BYC's girls football team

Dr. Hellen addressing the teams before the match

The hand shaking ritual for both teams before the match began

Dr. Hellen giving a hand to BYC's team

Half time
The match was a very competitive one. BYC and Evergreen drew 0-0.

Both teams recieved t-shirts after the match

The girls taking a rest after the match
Zakia form BYC enjoying her rest with the other team members

Sakina, one of team players at BYC

T-shirt with International Peace day theme and TECMN theme

Leaflets and books on different topics such as HIV/AIDS, Reproductive health which were on display

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