Last Saturday the Global Xchange volunteers (find out more about Global Xchange here: went to Buguruni Youth Centre to spend an afternoon working with the young people there. The group of 18 volunteers spoke to the children at BYC about global citizenship and volunteering hoping to inspire the young people to think about volunteering their time now or in the future. The volunteers also taught the young people a new sport that is played regularly in schools in the UK. They taught them how to play Rounders. Rounders is a sport a bit like Baseball but with some differences. The team also provided BYC with the equipment to play this new sport, two rounders bats and some tennis balls, in the hope that they will continue to enjoy playing rounders in the future. The team also donated a Volley Ball to the centre which they hope will help to encourage more girls to take part in the Girls Volley Ball team.
The Day was a success. The GX volunteers had a great time working with the young people both in the classroom and out on the sports field and the children really enjoyed having all the volunteers there with them. There was lots of laughing, shouting and playing, which is what the GX volunteers hoped to achieve.
The GX team will be going back to BYC in March along with people from Tanzania Youth Coalition (TYC) to play a football tournament with some of the young people at BYC.
Uk and Tanzanian volunteers play some energizers with a class at BYC |
The Tanzanian volunteers teach a class about global citizenship and volunteering to a class at BYC |
The volunteers teach the young people how to play 'Duck, duck, goose' and 'SPLAT!' two games that children in the UK play at school. |
The children get a chance to try their skills at Rounders. Some had the chance to bat whilst others were taking on the role of the fielders trying to catch the balls before the batter made it all the way around the circle. |
UK volunteer Connor helps teach the young people the game of rounders. |
The GX volunteers are in green whilst some of the children they worked with crowed around them for a group photo at the end of the day. |
UK volunteer Zoe and coach at the centre Linda strike up a friendship. |
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