Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Up Coming and On going Events...

BYC take part in events to celebrate International Woman’s Day 2012.
Different events will be taking place throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women.  BYC alongside VSO Tanzania, the UDM Gender Unit and other VIO will celebrate the day by reaching out to girls in disadvantaged communities through sports (football).  BYC’s involvement takes the form of planning and running a girl’s football league. The opening of the league took pplace on 24th of February and the finals will be held on 10th of March, to mark the official date of International Women’s Day. The opening ceremony was a great success. The Headteacher from Buguruni "A" Primary School was the guest of honour, officially opening the league.
This event will bring together, through football, girls from different schools and football teams will to play sports, have fun and in the process learn from each other. Girls will come together from all different backgrounds to talk to each other and share their stories and experiences about different issues with the aim of informing and inspiring each other.
BYC will be working towards boosting girl’s morale, building their self esteem and confidence and encouraging them to work hard and excel in everything they do, be it sports or education. The girl’s football league provides a platform for learning and development through the beneficial game of football. 4 girls football teams will be participating in the football league, 2 from primary schools and 2 from the community. Students from Dar es salaam University Gender Unit will create awareness on HIV, GBV, Education just to mention few.
The four schools inviolved in the league are Buguruni Kisiwani Primary School, Buguruni Youth Centre, Kiwalani Queen's and Buguruni "A" Primary School.
The time table for the event is as follows:
24/02/2012 Friday- Buguruni A Vs Buguruni Kiswani
25/02/2012 Saturday- BYC vs Kiwalani
26/02/2012 Sunday- Buguruni Kiswani vs BYC
02/03/2012 Friday- Kiwalani vs Buguruni A
03/03/2012 Saturday- Buguruni A vs BYC
04/03/2012 Sunday- Kiwalani vs Buguruni Kisiwani
09/03/2012 Friday- Mshindi Wa Tatu "3"
10/03/2012 Saturday- Fainali

All matches up to the final will be helled at Buguruni Primary School with kick-off at 16.15pm. The final will be held  at the University of Dar Es Salaam also with a kick-off time of 16.15pm.

Peer Leaders Training
BYC will once again be training more young people to become peer leaders. BYC will use the Kicking Aids Out Network Curriculum for the training http://www.kickingaidsout.net/Pages/default.aspx . Two peer leaders trained to Leader Level 2 will facilitate the training, Phyneous from the Arusha region who comes from an organisation called CHRISCH Tanzania and Rehema Chuka from BYC. Once young people are trained as peer leaders they will be given the chance to undergo more training and progress to Leader Level 1 and then onto Leader Level 2 and eventually will have the opportunity to train other young people to become peer leaders.   The peer leaders scheme gives young people the opportunity to showcase their skills and ability and to use the wealth of talent that exists among young people that so often goes unseen and wasted in Tanzania. Training young people as peer leaders boosts their confidence, teachers them new skills and provides them with valuable work experience that will help them when they look for paid employment.

BYC attend Femina HIP Youth and Constitution Symposium

The Buguruni Youth Centre was among a number of organisations invited to attend a conference about Youth and the Constitution organised and delivered by Fermina HIP. The conference held over two days debated and discussed a number of topics relating to young people's participation in reviewing Tanzania's constitution and their involvement in society more generally. Young people from BYC had the opportunity to share their views and opinions about engaging youth in the constitutional review process.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Community Action Day at BYC

Last Saturday the Global Xchange volunteers (find out more about Global Xchange here: http://www.globalxchange.org.uk/Pages/default.aspx) went to Buguruni Youth Centre to spend an afternoon working with the young people there. The group of 18 volunteers spoke to the children at BYC about global citizenship and volunteering hoping to inspire the young people to think about volunteering their time now or in the future. The volunteers also taught the young people a new sport that is played regularly in schools in the UK. They taught them how to play Rounders. Rounders is a sport a bit like Baseball but with some differences. The team also provided BYC with the equipment to play this new sport, two rounders bats and some tennis balls, in the hope that they will continue to enjoy playing rounders in the future. The team also donated a Volley Ball to the centre which they hope will help to encourage more girls to take part in the Girls Volley Ball team.
The Day was a success. The GX volunteers had a great time working with the young people both in the classroom and out on the sports field and the children really enjoyed having all the volunteers there with them. There was lots of laughing, shouting and playing, which is what the GX volunteers hoped to achieve.
The GX team will be going back to BYC in March along with people from Tanzania Youth Coalition (TYC) to play a football tournament with some of the young people at BYC.

Uk and Tanzanian volunteers play some energizers with a class at BYC 

The Tanzanian volunteers teach a class about global citizenship and volunteering to a class at BYC

The volunteers teach the young people how to play 'Duck, duck, goose' and 'SPLAT!' two games that children in the UK play at school. 

The children get a chance to try their skills at Rounders. Some had the chance to bat whilst others were taking on the role of the fielders trying to catch the balls before the batter made it all the way around the circle. 

UK volunteer Connor helps teach the young people the game of rounders. 

The GX volunteers are in green whilst some of the children they worked with crowed around them  for a group photo at the end of the day. 

UK volunteer Zoe and coach at the centre Linda strike up a friendship. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Upcoming event- BYC work with GX

Buguruni Youth Centre (BYC) are joining forces with Global Xchange Team 126 to run a Community Action Day with the young people who attend BYC. Global Xchange is a cross cultural volunteer programme for 18-22 year olds. This is the third year there has been a Global Xchange team working in Tanzania. The 18 volunteers who make up GX Team 126 are planning to spend an afternoon at BYC teaching and playing with the young people there. This will give the young people at BYC a chance to work with some new faces and to learn a new sport and it will give the volunteers from Global Xchange a chance to get out into a new community and meet some of its members.

GX Team 126. Photo taken at the British Council Offices.