Friday, August 24, 2012

BYC football Bonanza for Children in the Community

According to BYC’s August work plan, BYC organized a Bonanza for the Community to celebrate Ramadhan and welcome Idd ul fitr holiday.
The children that took part in the Bonanza: they were at least 90 kids who showed up!!

The bonanza took place on the 15th August at Buguruni Primary School and targeted children in Buguruni community and youth from Dar Heroes. A total of 91 female and male children participated. The bonanza included seminars on HIV/AIDS and the 17 rules of soccer.

Omary Mbweze the Ass. Manager andsenior coach of BYC with the children

Rehema Chuka, Girls empowerment program manager talking to the children
The aim of the bonanza was to create awareness to the community outside BYC which usually lacks knowledge on HIV/AIDS and play soccer just for enjoyment. In addition it was to create friends with other football/soccer groups around Buguruni such as Dar Heroes.

Linda Shila- Peer leader BYC addressing the children
During the bonanza, there were Under 13 and Under 16 boy matches between BYC and Dar heroes.

Dar Heroes Under 13 football team getting a word from their coach before the match

Dar Heroes Under 13 football team with their coaches

In the Under 13 match BYC and Dar heroes drew 0-0 while in the Under 16 match they also drew 1-1.

BYC's Under 13 football team

Hand shaking before the Under 13 match

Rehema Chuka and Iddi Lila giving the boys a hand before they begin the match

More  hand shaking before the match

A silent prayer before the match

BYC's Under 16 boys football team

Dar heroes Under 16 football team
There were so many children and they seemed so excited to be part of the bonanza. They asked lots of questions on HIV/AIDS and took part in the different movement games conducted by KAO leaders at the centre. Rehema Chuka-Girls Empowerment Manager at BYC and Linda Shila-Peer leader conducted the trainings on HIV/AIDS while Iddi Lila-Organisation's Health Program Manager taught the 17 rules of soccer.

Linda Shila with some of the children at the centre

Some of BYC's children posing for the camera

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BYC Going Beyond Boundaries: Kisaki

On the 24th of July, Buguruni Youth Centre’s Assistant Program Manager /Training program manager Omary Mbweze and Girls Empowerment Program Manager Rehema Chuka travelled to Kisaki Village-Morogoro region by train. Kisaki is a village in Ngomero disrict, Morogoro region, approximately 4 hours from Dar es Salaam. The main socio-economic activity is agriculture including crops such as maize, watermelons, and sesame.

Rehema Chuka:Girls Empowernment Program Manager

The aim of the travel was to visit a centre in Kisaki which has youth and children that promotes Sports Activities to conduct sports training activities and HIV/AIDS messages.

Kisaki Centre has at least 60 youth and Children. The centre promotes sports training to the youth daily.

Some of the youth and children at Kisaki Centre

This centre is run by Ramadhani Mape, who started his sports career at Buguruni , Dar es Salaam before moving to Kisaki Morogoro to stay with a relative. Due to his passion for sports activities, he was selected by the Local authority to be a youth leader for Kisaki Village. Given this opportunity, he decided to promote sports in the village. Though lacking in the sports trainings was  HIV/AIDS education among the youth. He then visited Buguruni Youth Centre and learnt of their KAO activities. This prompted him to invite BYC’s leadership in order to train the young children on HIV/AIDS.

Ramadhani Mape-Kisaki leader

The training began officially on the 25th of July in the evenings where the children were taught HIV/AIDS using the Kicking Aids Out (KAO) –Movement games. In addition they also did football exercises.

Rehema Chuka addressing the youth at the centre

On 27th July there was a seminar for the children where the children were taught the 17 rules of soccer. In addition Rehema Chuka  a Leader  Level 2 (LL2) taught the youth on HIV/AIDS: What is HIV/AIDS, how it is transmitted. Almost all of these kids were unaware of this important topic.

Omary Mbweze, BYC's Ass. Prog Manager

It was clear that the kids lacked HIV/AIDS education and this was good oppotunity for them to learn. In addition to the challenges, there was limited sports equipment such as jerseys, footballs, shoes, that prevented the kids from taking part in sports activities. Girls in particular did not have any training sports wear and some came with Khangas. Tradition was also another factor that prevents the girls from taking part in sports since thus they do not feel confident to put on sports shorts, but this perception changed when they saw Rehema Chuka-BYC's girls' empowerment leader wearing shorts and they decided that they will not be intimidated and wear comfortable clothes for taking part in sports.

Girls at Kisaki Centre
Saturday was a farewell day where the BYC team and the kids plus their parents came to hear the final words. It was such a sad time for the children and it was clear that they wanted to continue with the trainings that were taking place. On Sunday before the BYC team left for Dar es Salaam in the evening, the Under 17 team from Kisaki Centre played a match with Muungano team from the next village. When leaving the Secretary of the local village requested for BYC's contacts and we hope that there will be further collaborations in the future.